Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management

Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Behavior for Human Resource Management. Answer: Introduction This essay represents approaches of organizational behavior and its importance in case of management of human resource and skill development. It evaluates the analytical discussion on the challenging market environment in New Zealand and significance of the organizational behavior and human resource management in this context to develop the productivity along with retaining of the skills. It also discusses the requirement of reframing the structure of organizations to get the pace with ambiguous change in the economic scenario of New Zealand. This essay has also included few primary requisites for the management of the human resource and their development of the skills. Due to the recession in 2008-09 New Zealand has also faced the market slump that has negatively affected the economy of the country. This factor has also influenced the emigration of the population from the country in search of better career opportunities resulting from driving of the skills from this country. This essay has evolved an assessment on the reason behind the fact of skill migrant in New Zealand and provided appropriate measures to overcome this situation by implementing apposite actions from human resource management and attribute of organizational behavior. After revising the article Hutchison and Boxall, the main concern for this essay can be-1) Which is the main reason behind the shortage of the skills in New Zealand and 2) What steps can be taken to overcome this shortfall? The statement can be put to clarify the background of the questions. According to the article, New Zealand has no companies, included in Fortune Global 500. This fact has also resulted in a distant economic market from the international economy for the country. There are many international business organizations in New Zealand; however, there is less number of employees in those firms from New Zealand, making the market vulnerable to the retaining of the skills. Moreover, the managers of the international branches also ask for the privilege of transferring them to the offices in other countries which are larger than that of this country and give them a more advanced position (Boucher and Cerna 2014). Apart from that, it has been found that, though a number of banking firms and retail sector are present in New Zealand, most of the companies are foreign based. This fact has slowed down the economic growth for this country. Another concern for this country is the scarcity of the scope f or sectors like aerospace, semiconductors and automobiles tending to disappointment for the people who have specialization regarding these sectors. All these information clearly depict that, the question is valid and research on this topic is relevant to this essay. For the understanding of the actions one organization can take to avoid the skill migration, approaches of the organizational behavior can be involved. Organizational behavior is an extended part of the study of human behavior that involves different wing of studies such as sociology, psychology, human resource management, anthropology etc. Thus organizational behavior covers all the attributes to get a clear idea about the human behaviors in a working environment and management of the behaviors to obtain a successful and productive business (Luu 2015) Hence, organizational behavior can be studied to assess the required changes for improvement of the current economic situation of New Zealand. Moreover, it also precise the human resource activities; thus, evaluation of the steps gets easier prior to reducing the skill migration and develop the talent of the employees (Bahn 2015). The strength of the article: This article reflects the actual economic image of the New Zealand. Furthermore, it has also summarized the key points behind the lack of skill and its impact on the economic growth of the country. The article has also incorporated statistical presentation to validate the contents. Moreover, the information of this article have been placed after conducting survey and opinions of almost 265 company executives have been concentrated here. This articles also provides a recommendation for few primary approaches like- a) management of uncertain situation and renewal of the resources if required b) building integrated relation between stakeholders of the company and partners c) handling complications concerning of limited human resources and other restriction. The weakness of the article: Though this article has involved several issues and their consequences, there are few shortcomings, such as unavailability of the maximum response during the survey. The response rate was not very satisfactory as 29% of public firms, 24% of the private organization and 35% respondents from the non-profit sector have shared their opinions and experiences. Findings could have more enriched if maximum responses have been gathered. Moreover, many chief executives could not participate in the survey due to their work pressure and tight scheduling; hence, utmost information regarding the current situation and recommendations could not be gathered. The article The critical challenges facing New Zealands chief executives: implications for management skills is relevant to the current scenario of the New Zealand's economy and gleams the present status of the country in the global context, the statement thesis is apt for the discussion. As the article is based on the conducted research, it has comprised the overall market opinion. DuBrin (2013), also mentioned that, skill migration is a global threat leading to vulnerability for the countries those encompasses medium and small economy with limited resource factors. Therefore, the content and findings are entirely agreeable in the context of skill scarcity and less satisfactory development of human resource management in the financial sector of New Zealand. To validate the findings some key points can be highlighted, such as- a) Skill migration or brainwashing" is a burning topic in New Zealand. This fact has led to the fragile economy of the country. Productivity is very low b) Less international recognition. Fewer employees with the origin of New Zealand in multinational offices located here c) Lack of superior human resource management and skill development activities d) Crisis present in all the level of organization whether for the employees or the senior authorities e) Changes are required for the development of advanced human resource management activities. For the comparative analysis of the findings, reviews and concepts from other research and academic resources have been added in this segment. As mentioned by, Hawthorne (2014), fewer initiatives have been taken by the organization authorities to make up with the fluctuating market environment of New Zealand. Moreover, human resource managements have not performed sufficient activities that can outweigh the crisis and management issues of the organizations. Moreover, Rashbrooke (2013), suggested that the shortage of skill does not only affect the lower level of hierarchy in an organization, but also it has spread up to the higher authorities also. Lack of proper measures concerning the application of organizational approaches and implementation of human resource management actions have also resulted in less sustainability to the current market scenario. This fact has also narrowed down the scope for firm establishment of any business set up. Apart from that, there is also a requirement for the management of restricted resources so that, more productivity can be gained with fewer resource factors (Ongley 2013). However, Kels ey (2015), argued that New Zealand based organizations have also some advantages such as there is less bureaucracy in the organization and the management styles are empowering to the employees. Proper implementation of the human resource skills can restrain the skill migration from the country. To emphasize the approaches of organizational behavior (OB) contents from the lecture has been added in this essay. Further incorporation of the information says, dimensions of OB can be diversified into scientific methods of leadership, approach to maintaining the human relations, potentiality of taking decisions and systematic approach to measuring the accuracy of the organizational behavior (Miner 2015) Moreover, a modern theory of Neo-Human Relation is also included under the study of OB. This theory has evolved into many other theories that like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. This theory concludes that employees are required to satisfy the safety, physiological needs, self-esteem, self-actualization and love. For the other perspectives of OB scientific leadership approaches are required for the efficient production by focusing on the company objectives. Maintenance of the human relation is essential to obtain healthy working environment as well as the cooperative manner of working . The capability of making decision helps to adjust the critical situations in an organization and finally involvement of systematic approach maintains integrity within an organization allowing all the required steps in an organized way. All these obtainments can be applied for the improvement of the current management skill and to restrain the skill migration from New Zealand. Hence, this study is valid to the discussion of the article by Hutchison and Boxall. It has embedded the fundamental criteria for the understanding of the critical phase in New Zealand economy. Apart from that, this essay also reveals the reasons behind the skill crisis in the country and its consequences to the growth of the nation. Surveyed information have also been included here to increase the essence of reality. Furthermore, additional research and academic guidance have been followed for intense understanding. Contents from the class lectures have also provided notion about the concept of organizational behavior. Therefore, this essay can be reviewed for extensive research on this particular topic. Reference List: Bahn, S., 2015. Managing the well-being of temporary skilled migrants.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,26(16), pp.2102-2120. Boucher, A. and Cerna, L., 2014. Current policy trends in skilled immigration policy.International Migration,52(3), pp.21-25. DuBrin, A.J., 2013.Fundamentals of organizational behavior: An applied perspective. Elsevier. Hawthorne, L., 2014. A Comparison of Skilled Migration Policy: Australia, Canada and New Zealand.Canada and New Zealand (October 16, 2014). Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), pp.366-391. Kelsey, J., 2015.Reclaiming the future: New Zealand and the global economy. Bridget Williams Books. Luu, C., 2015. Sustaining the economic expansion in New Zealand. Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Ongley, P., 2013. Work and inequality in neoliberal New Zealand.New Zealand Sociology,28(3), p.136. Rashbrooke, M. ed., 2013.Inequality: A New Zealand Crisis. Bridget Williams Books.

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