Wednesday, May 6, 2020

History Behind The Gun Control - 2680 Words

History Behind The Guns, What Has Caused Gun Control Gun control in America dates all the way back to 1791, the year that the countries Bill of Rights was signed and put into place.(â€Å"Gun Control And Gun Rights†, 2015) This bill was put into place for numerous reasons, but mainly it was to better and help insure the people’s rights. One of the rights in this bill is the right to bear arms or the second amendment to the Constitution. This Right has been a challenging one as of late. The control of firearms has largely been because of events in the history of the nation of America and slightly from politicians and everyday people that just want to have a false sense of security and feel a little safer. To start with one of the biggest reasons why the United States is really trying to control guns is because of the notorious Al Capone. As many would say, especially back in the 1920’s, the most â€Å"infamous† gangster in American history or Al Capone is most well known for his acts of violence against other gangsters.(â€Å"Al Capone†, 2016) In 1929 Capone had Jack Mcgurn, a hitman, pose as a police officer and kill seven men from a rival gang.(â€Å"Al Capone†, 2016) After this â€Å"Valentine s Day Massacre† there was a lot of heat on Capone and co. and President Hoover called for the government to finally catch and jail him for tax evasion.(â€Å"Al Capone†, 2016) Capone was eventually arrested and jailed and in from 1934 to 1938 President Franklin Roosevelt imposed numerous new penalties onShow MoreRelatedThe Rights Of A Free State1118 Words   |  5 Pagesan abundance of history behind the Second Amendment. Over this time period, there have been several historical court cases that involve supporting and opposing the Second Amendment. Even today, there is still a controversial debate over the Second Amendment, and whether to allow the right to bear arms, and what the amendment translates to. Through out times past, the Second Amendment has been a prodigious part of the American culture, everyday life, and history. The history behind the Second AmendmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Gun Control On The United States1154 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the biggest debates in the world ever known for today is the restriction on gun control and weather or not government and Obama should take away gun control or leave it alone. Just since 2013, there have been over 143 school shootings in the United States. Just in 2015, there has been over 45 school shootings in the United States. In some states, new laws have been added stating that if you’re going to buy a gun, you will need a background check. They do this for the safety of other people butRead MoreGun Control859 Words   |  4 PagesScholarly Essay: Gun Control There has been considerable debate recently in Canada over the issue of gun control. The Canadian parliament enacted the Firearms Act to enforce gun control by requiring gun owners to register their firearms. Just recently, the government of Alberta lead in a charge, including five other provinces and numerous pro-gun groups, complaining that the law is unconst... Gun Control Gun control Gun Control Part I:Introduction The issue of gun control and violenceRead MoreStronger Gun Control Will Save Lives an Article by Christine Watkins876 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control in America is seen as ineffective, citizens believe gun control laws in place are not protecting lives, but taking them away. In order to solve this problem, many think more laws should be put in place. By doing so, they believe guns would no longer be in the hands of criminals and lives would not be ended before their time. In Christine Watkins’s article, â€Å"Stronger Gun Control Will Save Lives† She explains that if guns were objects that truly kept us safe, America would be the safestRead MorePersuasive Speech: Against Gun Control Essay672 Words   |  3 Pageseach individual must take responsibility for his or her own actions. The must not blame guns for problems caused by people. . . Attention Grabber: Gun control isnt about guns, its about control . Body of Speech . Id like to readRead MoreThe Dichotomy Over Civilian Gun Control1256 Words   |  6 PagesStates has been split by a dichotomy over civilian gun control. â€Å"Gun control is the term used to describe how firearms may be legally produced, sold, and used,† (Gale). As stated in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, â€Å"‘A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed,† (Gottesman/Brown). However, â€Å"research seems to indicate that owning a gun or even just seeing one [can] change how people behaveRead MoreThe Main Weapon Used For Murder Or Manslaughter Is Handguns845 Words   |  4 Pageshandguns. There is no other weapon as gun that can kill someone in seconds. 72% of handguns are used in homicides are handguns. The other types of guns include rifles and shotguns. In article â€Å"weapon use and violent crime† Craig Perkins states â€Å"Between 1993 and 2001, about 26% (or an annual average of 2.3 million) of the estimated 8.9 million violent crimes in the United States were committed by offenders armed with guns, knives, or objects used as weapons. Basically guns are the main reason for criminalsRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Gabrielle Giffords A Senate in the Gun Lobbys Grip1094 Words   |  5 Pages105 Diane Goodman September 19, 2014 Congress is Shooting Blanks As the gun control issue began to heat up a timely find was made, a poem by Carl Sandburg. The first half of the poem reads, â€Å"Here is a revolver. It has an amazing language all its own. It delivers unmistakable ultimatums. It is the last word. A simple, little human forefinger can tell a terrible story with it. Hunger, fear, revenge, robbery hide behind it. It is the claw of the jungle made quick and powerful. It is the club ofRead MoreAmericas Debate Against Gun Control1155 Words   |  5 Pages ï » ¿ The United States and the war on Gun Control The gun control issue has recently created a massive uproar throughout the U.S. due to some major horrific events such as the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, where 32 people were killed, the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 where 27 people were killed, mostly children, and the Columbine shooting in 1999 where 13 people were killed, (CNN) as well as many others. To some, it is a crime issueRead MoreAnalysis 1.1 Essay644 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis 1.1 The history of the right to bear arms, this has been an American tradition since colonist set foot on North American soil. Mass murders have been cause by guns does this mean we should only allow our military to have guns? I believe in the constitution we have the right to bear arms. It was written in the constitution for a reason. Without guns it makes our country weak. I’m not talking about just our military having them I’m talking about citizens not being able to have guns. ​We have the

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